Oil Paintings
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#1 OIL Autumn 6x6x3 $175 -
#2 OIL Parkway 6x6x3 $175.00 -
#3 OIL Anna Maria Beach 8x8
$450 -
#4 OIL Cafe at Night 8x8 mounted DSC_0304 $450
#5 OIL Falls 8x8 mounted DSC_0344
#6 OIL Flame 8x8 mounted DSC_0303
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
#7 OIL Gliding 8x8 DSC_0296
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
#8 OIL Cafe at Night 8x8 DSC_0304
#9 OIL Greece Russian Tanker 8x8 DSC_0294
#10 OIL Monsignior Old City 8x8 mounted DSC_0291
#11 OIL Old Quebec 8x8 DSC_0300 mounted $450
#12 OIL Old City Quebec 8x8 DSC_0292
mounted $450
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
#13 OIL Quebec square 8x8 DSC_0297
mounted $450
#14 OIL Hudson 8x8 DSC_0285
#15 OiI Fall sunset 8x10 DSC_0331
mounted $450
#16 OIL Canal 8x10 DSC_0299
mounted $450
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
#17 OIL the other side 7x9 DSC_0333
mounted $350.00
#18 OIL Fish Beach 12x16 DSC_0334
mounted $600.00
#19 OIL Rapids 6x8 DSC_0343
mounted $300
#20 OIL the Gorge 6x8 DSC_0308
mounted $300
#21 Oil on linen Mango Tree 13x20 DSC_0346
mounted $900.00
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email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
# 22 OIL the Bay 6x6 DSC_0307
mounted $175.00
#23 Near the Top 6x6 DSC_0281
mounted $175.00
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by PayPal include #
email me to check availability of the
painting you would like .
to see